Balloon: Lets you select Names Lists or Preferences/Modem Setups to bring into Joe's Pager
Script: global theNames,thePrefs¬put empty into theNames¬put empty into thePrefs¬put wsGet (wdName,4,"hilite") into getPref¬put wsGet (wdName,5,"hilite") into getNames¬JPimport getPref,getNames¬if there is a window "Names" then¬ put layoutNames() into namesList¬ set i1_text of window "Names" to namesList¬end if
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 17,99,97,115
Name: Export
AutoClose: TRUE
Balloon: Saves as text files the current Names List and/or Preferences/Modem Setup.
Script: global theNames,thePrefs¬put empty into theNames¬put empty into thePrefs¬put wsGet (wdName,4,"hilite") into getPref¬put wsGet (wdName,5,"hilite") into getNames¬JPexport getPref,getNames
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 17,27,207,39
Name: Preferences (including modem setup)
Hilite: TRUE
Balloon: Check this box to indicate that you would like to import or export the current Preferences and Modem Setup.
ItemType: CHK
Rect: 17,49,153,61
Name: Names (including groups)
Hilite: TRUE
Balloon: Check this box to indicate that you would like to import or export the current Names List
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 104,94,282,130
Text: Saves a text file of current Preferences and/or Names
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 104,124,286,160
Text: Sets Joe's Pager to previously saved Preferences and/or Names